What A 2-Weeks break From Blogging Taught Me | Blogger Tips

Hello Everyone and Welcome to JGC Blog.

Creative people tend to put an unreasonable amount of pressure on themselves.

With that pressure comes the feeling of failure when the result of their hard work does not produce the success they expected.

Being a writer, an artist, a vidder or a blogger can be incredibly taxing even if you are doing it because it’s your true passion.  Whether you are trying to make a living out of it, wanting to express yourself or both, if you are like me, everything you do, everything you write, everything you post and every image you edit has a meaning behind it.

Nothing is random, nothing is hazardous.

Your blog is your home but it’s also a true representation of yourself, the best of yourself.

You write about what you love with honesty and always make sure that the design and the aesthetic of your blog reflect your tastes.

You take pride in making sure that your blog is perfect in your eyes. Blogging with consistency makes you happy, it’s one of the highlights of the week and it definitely brings you a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

If all of this sounds familiar, then we are alike and guess what? We have the same weakness:  Not knowing when to clock out.

Seriously, how hard is it to take a break from blogging?

The answer is very hard. At least when you are dedicated to it.

Nobody is safe from a burnout and sometimes the best thing you need to find your motivation and creativity is to take a break.

So, I did that. For two weeks. I did not write or post anything on my blog. I distanced myself from the stress that comes with blogging: organizing posts, arranging their schedule, listing ideas, editing pictures…

I thought it would be interesting to share a list what I’ve learned during those two weeks, so without further ado, please find below my blogger tips for anyone who needs this break:

  • Not blogging (meaning not writing and posting anything) for two weeks does not mean you are dead in the eyes of the blogger community.
  • Not blogging for two weeks does not mean you cannot read and “like” someone else’s post.
  • Your true followers are not going anywhere and won’t unfollow you just because you take a two-weeks break.
  • Some people might actually visit your page more, just to check if there is any new content.
  • Any break from actual work, whether you love the work or not, is definitely salvation for the creative mind.
  • Seriously, resting your mind and body will help you think of great subjects to write about.
  • You should not be afraid to take a break from your blog.
  • Yes, consistency is key to blogging but a two-weeks break is something you might do two or three times a year, that’s hardly what I would call blog-negligence.
  • A two-weeks break is not procrastination.
  • A two-weeks break does not mean that you are giving up or that you’re unmotivated.
  • A two-weeks break will not hurt your stats.
  • A two-weeks break is not being lazy or losing your muse.
  • The point of a break is to eventually come back refueled into the blog community and to write with a fresh and clear point of view.
  • A break is not forever.
  • If you find yourself dearly missing blogging during and after your two-weeks break, then you know you are doing something that makes you happy. You are not wasting your time. So keep at it.


If you need a break from blogging, nobody is judging you, I promise. I hope this article will encourage you to take care of yourself.

If you can relate to this article, let me know in the comment! 🙂

See you all in the next post!

Be bold, be brave and stay excellent,




  1. Yes and another big YES! I also am a great believer in taking a break sometimes from not just blogging but also from any other kind of social media. We must learn to enjoy other things of love that doesn’t include technology. I know I did. This past week my husband and I, went out on dirt roads, visited the farms and winery. It was a break taking experience!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I struggle to take blogging breaks, but a few weeks ago I had to take a two week break because I was so busy. It was refreshing to catch up on tasks without trying to keep up with blogging too, although I still wrote and posted my short stories 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I definitely know what you mean! Before, I could only “take break” because life forced me! 😂
      I was just so busy, I didn’t have time to blog. But to actually do it because you want to is great!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I rarely take a break away from blogging, but I have slacked off a bit and don’t post every day. However, my partner in blogging hasn’t posted for at least 2 years. She was busy getting a degree. BUT… people ask about her on occasion and want to know when she’s going to write a post.

    With that in mind, 2 weeks isn’t long at all, and it’s doubtful that anyone who likes a blog is going to go away in that time period. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very true! and getting a degree is definitely a great reason to push blogging in the back burner, at least for a little while : )

    It’s funny that you consider not posting every day slacking off! At the beginning, I used to post everyday I realized three months later that I could not keep up the pace, and it was killing my fun and my creativity. Now I post once a week, plan my posts in advance and I’m definitely happier this way! I don’t ever want to feel like blogging is a stressful core hence the break when it’s needed! 😁

    Thank you so much for reading and commenting my post! It’s deeply appreciated! ❤️


  5. I do accept as true with all of the ideas you have offered for your post. They are very convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are too brief for novices. Could you please prolong them a little from next time? Thank you for the post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll see what I can do about that! For my blogger tips series, I’m quite satisfy with the lengths of my posts, because I don’t think that a novice needs an endless list of complicated things to do. Mastering the basics is the way to a successful blog. But I appreciate the feedback, always!


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